Safeguarding and Abuse

You may not know if you need safeguarding, but if you, or someone you know who is experiencing abuse and neglect we’re here to help.

Safeguarding is a way of keeping people safe from abuse, and neglect. There’s lots of different types of abuse, and it can be really hard to spot.

Whether you’re worried for your own, or someone else’s safety, you can contact our domestic abuse and safeguarding team on 0330 175 9540 for a private chat. Anything that you discuss will be kept confidential.

If there is an emergency situation and you think someone is in immediate danger, call 999. If you are unable to speak tap 55 on your phone and your call will be transferred to the Police. To report a safeguarding or abuse concern to us at Incommunities, you can use one of the below options:

PhoneBy telephone - 0330 175 9540
Icon of a womanIn-person with any Incommunities employee