Estate Services

Estate Services Cleaning Team Estate Services Garden Clean Team

Our Estate Services team is responsible for keeping the communal areas on your estates clean, green and tidy.

This work includes:

  • Grass cutting and gardening
  • Block cleaning
  • Maintaining trees and landscaping
  • Tackling fly tipping

Grass cutting, tree maintenance and gardening

You are responsible for keeping your garden well maintained, and tidy, whilst we manage communal grass areas, shrub beds and hedges.

Our specialist tree team also play a key role in maintaining and ensuring the safety of trees and shrubs.

Our service standards:

  • Grass will receive a light litter pick prior to mowing
  • Grass will be cut on a fortnightly basis during April and October, weather and ground conditions permitting. There may be some variation during Bank Holiday periods.
  • Rough grass areas will be cut 4 times through April to November, weather and ground conditions permitting.
  • Reports of dangerous trees will be inspected and rectified within a reasonable timescale.
  • Planted beds, roses, flowers, shrubberies and hedges will be trimmed on a regular basis during the growing season and cut back during the winter months.
  • One-off minor landscaping and work requests will be carried out during the winter months. 

Block cleaning

Our teams carry out cleaning work to communal areas such as stairwells, lift areas and corridors, and we ask that residents and visitors help by keeping these areas clean, tidy, and clear of any obstructions.

The range of cleaning and caretaking duties are displayed in the entrance of all our blocks.

Pest Control

Pests such as rats, mice, bedbugs and cockroaches can cause a real nuisance and distress in any home.

Our team of pest control operatives are ready to deal with unwanted pests.

To report a pest issue in your property, please contact us on 0330 175 9540.

Our team will investigate the issue and apply the necessary treatment. Depending on the type of pest, we might need to make several visits. If the problem returns after treatment is complete, please contact us again.

Please note, we do not treat for ants, fleas, bees, wasps, silverfish, woodlice, slugs, spiders, ladybirds or other garden insects.


Dumping waste is a serious offence which can involve fixed penalty fines and even imprisonment. Vehicles used to fly-tip can be seized, crushed, and the owners prosecuted.

Our estate teams will respond to reports of dumped waste on Incommunities land or left in communal areas. For dumped rubbish by the road, footpath, or on private or council-owned land, please contact your local council. Flytipping reports to Bradford Council can be made online here. 

If you see fly-tipping taking place please make a note of the location, time and date, and – if a vehicle is used – the registration number.

To report flytipping to Incommunities, call on 01274 257990 or email  All reports will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Contact us

To share feedback on the work carried out by Incommunities in your neighbourhood, contact us on 0330 175 9540 or