Sustainability is a concept that touches on many different aspects of our daily lives. The three main strands of sustainability consist of social, economic and environmental aspects;
Social aspects would be things like creating neighbourhoods that thrive and where people want to live.
Economical aspects are things such as having fair wages and equal opportunities.
Environmental aspects include things like planting trees or heating homes using solar energy.
If all three aspects of life are sustainable, we can expect people, communities and the planet to remain healthy and productive for future generations.
The Incommunities Sustainability Team works with customers and colleagues to help you make savings in your household budget and take green choices where possible. We look at three things which affect us all like...
Listed below we have some useful ideas to get you started, so have a look at the useful links and guides and join us in our sustainability drive!
Contact Incommunities' sustainability team at: Sustainability.Team@incommunities.co.uk